True FRIENDSHIP is seen through the heart, NOT through the eyes

Friday, July 24, 2009

Goodbye to w33k 8

really fast~ another week had passed~
jz finished the assignments that nid to pass up friday~
quit3 tired now =.=

today while having break be4 the basic professional writing class, we decide to go Newtown to having our lunch~
as usual, go to ZoneG parking there and drive my motor...
yer? seem like something wrong leh?
where is my HELMET?
omG ! why helmet also wan steal?
'that' ppl sendiri don have helmet ar? why stole mine 1?
but...wat i can angry?
is my FauLt wat~
i din lock the helmet as w3LL~
so my H3Lm3T hAD goN3 with the w33k 8...By3 By3 ~

going KL this week to attend XiAoYinG's convocation and also shopping at sungai wang ^^
my characteristics of 'bai ga lui' come out again...haiz...
i N33D MoN3Y !!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

BaD MooD


~ AngrY MooD NoW~

why everything she use will spoil 1?


i use my laptop sticker for 1 year also din spoil

i jz back for 2 days then she spoil my sticker


i VERY REGRET to suggest her to come here study



Sunday, July 19, 2009

update blog - 18/07/09

it is been awhile din update my blog...

am i too busy of my uni life? not really...jz become more lazy to update blog always...

okie~let me summarize my last 2 weeks's life~

I had...
1. a nice movie Transform3r II with Dajie & p3i^2 at GSC,TimeSquare
2. SoonSiong's birthDaY celebration -ch3ong K at A-BoX, kampar
3. XiAoYinG's birthDaY celebration - CrazY + suPris3 + touChinG 'party' at 161, kampar

i ate...
1. famous Bak Kut T3h in SeLayanG
2. Shabu-shabu, Puchong
3. Steamboat +BBq, RestauRanT Kampar B3st

i done...
1. communication network quiz + extra assessment
2. Basic Professional Writing assessment 1

so, this week i decide to back hometown since i heard a good new from my 2nd sister. She had offered the KPLI (Kursus Perguruan Lepas Ijazah) couse in JohorBahru there,which mean after study for 1 year in KPLI, she will be a teacher ald. She share her feeling with m3, which is good and bad after report to there. Because of the 2nd intake, she nid to rush all the thing and catch up with others ppl. i noe she very suffer now. Hope she will be fine soon...Since she go to JB, my house only left my parents & eldest sister. i can imagine the silence mode in my house while 5 of my siblings are not at home...thus, i decide that i will BacK hometown as MucH as i can, although my dad said that the bus fare will increase again in coming August.
Coming week is Week 8 ald. 1 quiz and 2 assignments are waiting m3...but till now, i only complete 1 of the assignment...sie lo! i have no mood to study at all, so as the assignment. Too enjoy the 'goyang kaki' life in kampar, become lazy and lazy. tmr back to kampar nid to 'k' the OS Note ald...

this week i had bought...

1. 100% cotton bedsh33t for RM27.60 after discount 80% from leh?

2. Rubic Cube for RM12.90 - a new thing tat i learn and challenge it recently

3. a 'penguin pu-man' for my 50¢ coins at RM5.99
4. a pink colar shirt at RM16.90
i am a -bai ga lui -
** ...PooR NoW... **

Saturday, July 4, 2009

EX-5 at 161 ^^

finally, my Honda EX-5 reach my hostel ^^
i wait it for almost 1 month...really troublesome in sending it to here...
thx to karlim& dajie to help the uncle to move the motor from the lorry...(it is heavy)
unluckily, it was raining when my motor reach Gopeng town...
i had no choice and jz drive it back to kampar...
it was so cold while i driving, was NICE~ haha~

start to join others coursemates in utar...
it is good~bcs we had know more frens in here...
some of them are nice~
some of them are funny~
some of them are noisy~
again, different people different style ^^
this is the CS in utar...
always said tat CS is counter strike instead of computer science~haha~

"it will be fine~", i told myself~
everything will be fine if i want it be fine by Law of Attraction?